Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snookie Punch: Round 3

Well Brad Ferro lost his teaching job. Not sure how NY works but in NJ if you get convicted of a felony, you lose your license. Maybe its the same as NJ and he just didnt have tenure and they did not rehire him. Who knows. I don't think 1 punch is a felony, but it was a girl. I think you plea those things down to a lesser charge. Have I been watching too much Law & Order? Maybe its not as easy as it seems. I dont defend hitting women, but they can get obnixous and in your face because they know that 99.99% of the time the guy will not hit them. Well Snickers just messed with that 0.01%. Maybe it will scare a few women off from acting like that in the future. I' just saying I understand where Brad is coming from.

I love the idea of the entire episode devoted to each of them telling their side of the story. Even the bartenders, co-workers and anyone else who witnessed it, throw in the production staff as well. It would be riviting. I dont think 1 hour would do it justice, we are gonna need 2. As each person is telling their story they flash to slow motion clips that have like a grey filter, it would be so dramatic, I love it. I vote Pauly D's would be the best. He'd be grinning the entire time. And the quotes would be off the charts.

I am really upset, I was looking forward to rounding out my X-mas with a "fresh" episode. Bah-humbug

Sean's performance was in Jenks in Point Pleasant. That night was foggy but here is what I remember. I got lost in the club for about 30 minutes, yes I was this drunk. I also didnt remember seeing a band, but apparently there was one. We had to carry Sean to the car and prop him against a parking meter so he could take a piss. In the car you gave him your dad's raincoat and told him if he was gonna puke, do it in the jacket. Then there was all the Shenanigans at house.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snookie Punch reply

I agree with a lot of what you got here. In fact I think you hit some things dead on. But when your wrong, I’ll tell you your wrong; and in one area you are officially wrong. It is not now, nor will it ever be referred to as “the punch.”

I think I caught note of it and mentioned that the phrase “snookie punch” was getting buzz as far back as the season opener. To further add to my argument I pulled up google search trends and “snookie punch” was number 5 overall the week of the episode. I agree that this will be the most talked about punch until Pacquiao dislocates Mayweathers’s shoulder in March. (Who am I kidding, even the Pac-man can not top a troll getting knocked out by a guido.)

Regardless, this punch has a first name and it should henceforth be referred to as- Snookie Punch.

With that discussion behind us, I will note that you did a great job of breaking down the scene which lead to Snookie Punch. This was definitely an off night and that typically can lead to a crowd of drunks and locals. It reminds me of going to one of those late in the season Giants games from the bad 2003-2004 seasons. It was cold and crappy. Everyone in the stadium was drinking too much and the only people who were there at the end of the game were Giant die hards and opposing fans. Fights kick-off real easy in situations like that. I picture a miserable rainy Tuesday night in a depressing boardwalk bar having a similar poweder keg like issue.

Another tip of the cap goes to you for bring up Sean’s rockstar performance down at the Surf Club. Yes, I stand corrected that with enough alcohol it is entirely feasible that a somewhat normal individual might steal drinks that are purchased by another person.

It did look like the guys friends will get a talking too by Ronnie and some of the fellas but my guess is that those lovely MTV editors will make us forget that there is likely a huge time lag between actual Snookie Punch and post-Snookie Punch confrontation. I have to imagine that the cops intervened, spoke to everyone, and tried to get some understanding of the story. All of that takes time. This is not to say that these guys still won’t be fired up, but I imagine that their rage comes back to normal levels as opposed to what might have occurred if there were no police involvement.

I’m just so curious to hear more from everyone about this. They could literally make a one hour episode where every cast member told the story from their perspective. First of all the drama of each person trying to interject their personal shock and opinion on the story would be high comedy; secondly the differences, gaps, and overlap in their stories would bring this event to life almost Zapruder film-like and put it in the proper historical perspective. (Yes, I am aware that I just compared Snookie Punch to the Kennedy Assassination.)

Until we get recaps and reaction in our next episode (which won’t be until 12/31); we can spend some discussing the fate of the Snookie Puncher. Poor Brad Ferro. He is/was a teacher in Queens and apparently apologized to Snookie. But my guess is that doesn’t get him his job back? Thoughts? Also are you aware that there is a video of him out there doing a little bit of cage fighting? Not good stuff.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Punch

Ok so onto The Punch, which is what it will be called until there is a more famous punch in the news. Could be tomorrow could take years.

Ok so first....Here is my take on the situation.(not the character). They appear to be in a boardwalk bar that no one else is really in which leads me to believe that it is an off night like a Monday or Tuesday. This is where I would go on an off night. You don;t walk into Bamboo on a Tuesday, who knows, hey may not even be open on a Tuesday. Now if they are out on a Tuesday, my guess is they are just out to have a good time and a couple of drinks with co-workers (nice touch). So one is really in lets get wasted and puke our brains out mode. My other guess is that these other guys are down the shore for the week and are looking to get fucked up. Who knows, maybe its their 1st night down the shore for a long weekend or something. Pauly D also noted that they were all up in their business. They probably saw the cameras and figured they would hang near these guys and be on tv.

Second, What kind of guy does it take to steal someone's shots? Remember Sean on Memorial Day weekend of 2000? That guy. They also probably figured that since their were cameras around, these guys would not do anything serious to them. But stlll ballsy when you are outnumbered. And props to the co-worker who stood up to them to begin with.

Finally, the cops were on that in .04 seconds, which leads me to believe the following. MTV pays for a cop to shadow the cast. They stay real out of the way, maybe sometimes they are even in street clothes. It makes sense on MTV's part. WHo knows, maybe they have them on all the Real Worlds, and we just dont know it. They edit enough shit out that they could be there and we would never know it....kinda like Vinny on the this cast. They probably figured these guys would get into some beef at the jersey shore. It happens without the cameras. The guy who punched Snookie, I dont think he even got punched in retalliation by anyone. But it looks like his friends will get a scare in the next episode. He should have gotten pummeled.

Final pre-punch note

I honestly could go on forever about this show and still feel like I have more to say. Anyhow I promise this is my last non-punch related posting.

I can’t see how some of these characters don’t find their way into a spin-off. Not sure which direction they will take; but I’m pretty sure some of these folks will live on in pop culture for longer than this current MTV run. By the way I read that both Paulie D. and Jwoww said they would pose nude. One step closer to the sextape I predicted in one of our first posts.

I can’t believe I didn’t think of the parallel between Ronnie and the CJ incident. It really is very similar. On the same topic how much better is Jersey Shore than real world Cancun.

Anyhow yes the collateral damage to all of these women lured back to the house for some hot tubbing is something to take note of. That girl will be heckled and called “the grenade” for the months. It reminds me of RealWorld Brooklyn when the cast went out to a bar and the transgender he/she hooked up with some unsuspecting guy. Imagine being that guy’s friend. You get back to college after summer break and this jack ass is bragging up and down the line about how he hooked up with someone from the Real World cast and how he is gonna be on TV. Then sure enough the season starts and they introduce his hook up as a tranny, he freezes up. He tries to play it down and doesn’t mention which chick he hooked up with. Suddenly the episode hits the air and for the rest of his college career he is known as the guy who made out with the she-male on TV. Game over. Time to transfer schools and find a whole new group of friends.

I have to think that for a lot of these girls they are experiencing something similar. Prior to the first episode they bragged about how cool they were for hooking up with one of the Jersey Shore cast, yet as the show has picked up steam they are really wishing that they:
A.) didn’t hook up with these guys and
B.) didn’t hook up with these guys on camera, and
C.) didn’t tell anyone about the show

Just great stuff.

Anyhow final note before we switch to the punch. How about Snookie’s dancing? It really has to be noted how funny it is to watch an orange oompa lumpa do cartwheels in a thong in the middle of a club. Also, there has to be plenty of outtake of her falling on her head. I need those outtakes.

Alright Robbie. Kick us off on the Snookie Punch discussion. A few avenues of discussion for you to react to:

Prior to the punch, the offending group of guys were identified as troublemakers. My question is this- how much of a tornado do you have to be such that this collection of meatheads recognizes you as a problem.

On that same note. What kind of guts does it take to simply steal another person's shots at a bar. That is truly ballsy.

Final question. If the bouncers/cops weren’t right on top of the incident, how badly beaten do you think this guy would have gotten. I’m thinking Brock Lesner Frank Mir type of beating right. Or does this go as far as Ed Norton in fight club, “I wanted to destroy something beautiful.”

More before the punch

I think we could have serious spin off potential. the Pauly D Situation show. Cameras just follow them trying to meet/hook up with girls. I would watch it and you know you would too.

The whole Ronnie/towel situation reminded me of CJ on the RW Cancun when the "piglet" incident happened. Why not throw on some boxers or a pair of shorts. Which leads me to this question....Who lays on their bed with just a towel on? The only think missing from that scene was Ronnie yelling something to the effect of" I fuckin love you sooooooooo much"

Dance battling, that what she calls it. More like dry humping. come on. Also how about Pauly D eaves dropping on Jwoww's phone coversation, then pretending to be asleep......more comedy.

What we havent discussed about all these girls coming back to the house is the fact that a girl just watched this episode and now everyone will call her "The Grenade." How many people watched this episode 5 million? Not sure, but you know people who knew her were excited.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Episode three- Pre Snookie punch discussion

Just a great episode and a great set of quotes.

I really could watch Paulie D and the Situation hit on girls all day long. Two more great quotes to add to the pile…

“Chill out freckles McGee.” – The Situation when he got c*&k blocked by the chick who insisted on going home.

“Dancin to house music and battling on the floor”- JWoww when she was recapping the night to her boyfriend.

Alright before we hop into the punch, or really the absence of the punch I want to address a few other highlights…

First a big question-
Why was Ronnie naked for the beginning fight with Sammie?
Lets recap: Sammie comes home and Ronnie is lying on his bed with Jwoww in the next bed and Ronnie is naked except for a towel. Ronnie then follows Sammie all over the house having a half argument, half heart-to-heart, half emotional breakdown all the while clutching a towel. It just cracked me up that he never stopped to throw on some boxers…
It reminded me of the scene from Forgetting Sara Marshall where the guy is naked while getting dumped.

Second idea-
By the end of the show I’m guessing that Paulie and The situation will have hooked up/ hot tubbed with 40+ girls on camera. I want to know where these women are?

Mtv loves a reunion show, I think it would be phenomenally interesting if they could round up every single one of these women for a show. Who wouldn’t watch this? The combination of reactions would be utterly compelling. I’m sure some of the girls would be proud at their 5 minutes of fame, some would be clueless, some would be embarrassed, some would be repulsed, and some would be enraged at the way the guys talked about them to the camera. Putting all of these people in one room would be awesome.

Anyhow any other thoughts before we get into dissecting the Snookie punch?

The Pauly and Stiuation Show

I have decided to change it up this week and start off with quotes from this past episode. Maybe later we'll delve into some deeper thoughts.

Stiuation- "I'm hooking up with my girl, paulies hooking up with his girl...we're gonna have sex so you know its a situation"

Pauly- "I couldnt have sex with my gir, she had her period. no big deal"

"Yeah we smushed"-Ronnie referrinf to sex with sammy sweatheart

"Just stay fresh"- Pauly D referring to tanning and haircuts

"Cuz i;m at the gym for an hour and a half, just workin on my fitness"-the situation

"Mike(the situation) would bang a gatorade bottle if it had a pulse"-Ronnie

"We're beating up the beat (reffering to the fist pump)"--forgot who said it, Pauly D i think

"When I go out i have a game plan, I dont want to wast me time and take home a girl who just wants to hang out. I want to get to the business. So you light it up and then you move on. and at the end of the night you see what you end up with"- Pauly D

"They were nice but at the same time, i want to fool around"--Pauly D

"My girl was f-ing busted, i was just trying to keep her entertained"- Pauly D

Friday, December 11, 2009

Episode 2- response to initial comments

By Rob
This show is off the charts, its all I talk about. If MTV could show 2 episodes a week it would be a great winter.

I am pretty sure they made fun of Angelina for showing up with her stuff in trash bags. Someone had said it simply, "yo just get a suitcase". And now she leaves with those same trash bags. Funny, she was pretty trashy herself. Her boyfriend was in a marriage? The roommates were as unhappy to hear this as I was. They really didnt like her, any of them. Talk about awkward when she was leaving. She was a wet blanket.

Snookie- At face value is seems as if she is trying to be over-the-top. I'm pretty sure this is the real her, which is scary. She's like a remix of that annoying Tila Tequila. The dancing in the dirty bar on the boardwalk could have turned ugly if the cameras were not there. Did you see the look on some of the older guys faces? It was an episode of Law & Order SVU waiting to happen.

JWOW is really hot from about 15 feet away. think about it.....and you agree. And she has some mega tattoos on her side.

During the whole bar Sammy/Ronnie drama, did you happen to see The Situation hooking up with the chick Ronnie was dancing with. It was sloppy drunk making out. This is what bothers me about these reality shows. Couldnt they have show 3 seconds of them making out, so we know how much each cast member is getting? Same happened in RW Cancun. Bronnie said they didn't show half the hook-ups. Disappointing.

And what about Ronnie's dancing moves. Pretty smooth for a big dude.

I love Paulie D , I think I like him better than the Situation. He always has that goofy smile on his face and he is super cocky but not in a dick-head way. And he put charcoal in the gas grill. You cant script this stuff. That has to get the best unintentional comedic moment of the episode.

Episode 2- Initial post

by Mike
Two from-home-boyfriend breakups, one Jacuzzi lesbian hookup, the rise and fall of the Ronnie/Sammy romance, one cast member leaving the show, and countless one-liners from Paulie D. and “the situation.”

I don’t know what to say. Each of those incidents could have been its own episode on any of the recent Real World seasons, and yet they all fit into one episode of the Jersey Shore.

The potential for this show is off the charts. There is no ceiling.

I need to start keeping track of the awesomeness during episodes- in the meanwhile, I’ll start out conversation about Episode 2 with a few thoughts to ponder.

On a scale of 1 to Paulie D.’s hair how excited are you that Angelina left the show?
-Special bonus points for the fact that everyone in the house was also excited. Its one thing when the viewer thinks a cast member is a drag, it is great when it is confirmed by every other cast member.
-Double bonus points for the fact that she packed her stuff in trash bags for the trip home!

When all is said and done, where does Snookie end up after this? She isn’t articulate enough to have a show, she isn’t hot enough to pose nude, yet her general persona and the tornado that is her antics must have some market value.
-Walk me through your thoughts on her dance routine in the boardwalk bar?

Jwoww is single. After crying for a bit about losing her love, she declared she would give it 24 hours and then “do it up.” Is her ex-boyfriend upset or relieved?

The big debate. Paulie D. or The Situation. Each is awesome in their own right. Each one is compelling and someone whom I think should be studied for years to come.

Final thought. Have you been noticing the T-Short slogans in the background. They add such a layer of un-intentional comedy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Re-re-direct epidose 1

by Mike
Danny… I think you mean Vinny… But the fact that you got his name wrong does lead me to believe I am right in listing him near the bottom in terms of interesting cast members.
Here is my personal ranking/ rationale:
1. Paulie D.- A fight, a hookup, the penile piercing, the Cadillac tattoo, the fact that he is 29 and has the maturity of a 13 year old… This sky is the limit for him.
2. The Situation- He nicknamed his abs and then got a girl he never met to have that nicknamed printed on the ass of some booty shorts. Read that sentence again.
3. Jwow- You keep drinking that water and eating that ham… Ham.
4. Ronnie- Zero chance he doesn’t go “incredible hulk” on someone. Also I’d love to know what is in his signature cocktail “Ron Ron Juice.” Aside from Vodka fruit and ice, I am banking that it is a proprietary blend of X, GHB, Testosterone, and elephant tranquilizer.
5. Sammie- Best looking girl in the house. Sort of becomes a backhanded compliment right?
6. Snookie- The Princess of Poughkeepsie. She is dumpy and depressing but at least she brings something to the table.
7. Vinnie- Blah. The most nondescript guy of the show. Sweaty armpits during the fist pump and pink eye is all he has going for him. Not a strong start.
8. Angelina- Flop. The only character that takes something off the table. She sucks fun out of the room and I am hoping they give her less air time. (Unless that airtime is Situation calling her fat.)
Anyhow along with your obvious promotional efforts this show is getting an amazing amount of buzz. Besides the tired and self promotional controversy over how it portrays Italian-Americans (an argument I am not in the mood to tear apart at the moment) there is a freakish amount of conversation about the show. From mainstream media to social media to water cooler conversation, this show has caught lightening in a bottle. Seriously Google “snookie punch” and check out the results…
As for potential cross over opportunities, I hope and pray these people are moved into the RW/RW challenge circuit. In fact can we just arrange for Ronnie and CT to have a steel cage match. Who wouldn’t be interested?
In the meantime check out your new Jersey Short nickname at this early responder site…

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Episode 1- re-direct

Ok things I for got and some follow up on your follow up.

I forgot to mention that this could be the most stereotyped show ever. Imagine making a show about stereotypical people in other cultures. Al Sharpton would be all over it.

Also, in Danny's intro he claims not to be a typical guido, but then show's the fist pump technique?

Jwow's boyfriend is this seasons GWRB's fro Cancun's boyfriend. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop. THe best is she was kissing Paulie D and left /c she didnt want to cheat on her boyfriend. Um where is kissing another girl not considered cheating?

How many times did you watch the previews where someone punched a girl in the face? 4 for me. Cant remember who it was but it was hysterical. Full punch, nothing held back.

I once at 3 midways in 1 day. and i'll do it again if you dont believe me. It was the trip to Giovannis where sean was doing the beer box interviews and Stacey Ward got all pissed(surprise)

This show is really creating a buzz. A lot of "did you see Jersey Shore" going around....well maybe mostly by me but I wanna talk about it more and more. You would think I am getting paid to pump this show up. Sadly I am not.

Easily everyone could be from Jersey. Just raid the Sayerville area. seriously

And I vote that they should let some of these people onto the next RW/RR challenge

The Situation telling off the girl who pulled the cock block was great too. He tells her to lose 10 pounds then come back.

Episode 1 Response

100% agree. The potential for this show is off the charts. Here is the thing, in most reality shows they cast for diversity expecting each character’s different background to create drama and plot-lines. In the case of the jersey shore they have chosen to cast one extreme stereotype, mix in a lot of alcohol, and let it run wild. There is no chance you will see character development or anything aside from hyper-reality; however you will see the most overblown exaggeration of jersey “guido-culture” imaginable.

My hat goes off to the producers.

On to the questions of the day:

1. I don’t know why they couldn’t find better looking girls. It is going to become a running issue in the house, that the guys will constantly be looking for ass outside of the house, since for the most part the girls of the cast are sub-par. Seriously take a look at the old website. And while I’m not sure how many of these girls you want to take home to meet your mom, they certainly are better looking than what MTV was able to drag up.

2. The roof deck is clutch. That said I think it will lead to a minimum of 5 sexual encounters, 3 fights, and 1 police incident. Giving this cast what amounts to a stage is both awesome and dangerous at the same time.

3. I love that they are pumped for the Jersey shore. And here is why… For these cast members this is their ideal place. While you and I might have other things in mind when we picture our ideal beach vacation, for these folks they couldn’t possibly want more than what the Jersey shore has to offer- pizza and pasta, packed clubs with miller lite specials, and crows of people just like them. I love that their enthusiasm is authentic. They aren’t missing all of the other things that are out there in this world; I truly believe that given a choice this is their Shangri-la.

4. Poor Snookie, can’t even close with a drunk guy on the roof top deck. Nothing is going her way. I only wish he had vomited on her, just to see her reaction. I still think the funniest moment was the girl Angelina saying that selling T-shirts is beneath because she is a bartender and she does “great things.”

5. 11.5 fights… Please… I’ll take the over with room to spare. The amount of testosterone running through that house is off the charts. Ronnie alone looks like he might go CT on the entire town of Point Pleasant.

6. Most chicks is a tough call. Originally I would have gone Ronnie, but if he decides to stick with Sammie he might disappoint. I am gonna put my money on Paulie D. The sleazy 29 year old DJ definitely knows how to talk himself into bed with a lot of young girls. Most guys is easy Jwow, will double the total of all the other girls. I feel bad for her boyfriend already.

7. If has to make a prediction on getting kicked out I would say Ronnie goes home for assaulting a police office. Second vote is Pauley D. goes home because Megan’s Law stipulates that he can’t be that close to children in bathing suits.

8. Midway Cheese steaks should be the official sponsor of all things Shore related. I recall our friend having three shirts ruined by Midway cheese in the space of 36 hours. This also means that this same friend ate 3 Midway Cheese steaks in the space of 36 hours…

9. Jwow and Paulie D. are in a race for the first to put out a sex tape. Bonus points when it is collaborative effort.

10. The jersey jokes are coming in by the truck load. And as a Jersey native I have no problem with it. In fact I think the standard retort, “Only one person is from NJ,” rings pretty hollow. Don’t tell me that they couldn’t have found dozens of actual Jersey residents to fill out this cast. The Jersey guido stereotype is not bound by the state borders but it does have its roots in the jersey shore. I could make a reality show about people in the south focusing on racism and redneck, California could be exploited for gang violence, and we could highlight the anti-government militias of the north west. Every region has an extreme stereotype they might not be proud of; it just happens that for people from Jersey this fringe group makes great TV.

11. The situation is unreal. I could go on for hours about how awesome he is. His flip out over losing Sammy is amazing. I couldn’t have asked for a better reaction.

Episode 1

Jersey Shore E1

by Rob

Ok, this could be the most entertaining reality show of all time. SInce I had little expectations before watching I was amazed at the unintentional comedy and non ability to look away from the TV. This will be way better then Real World Cancun, which we blogged about last time, probably b/c we had such high expectations on that show.

OK so things we should discuss from the premier 2 hour episode

How hideous looking are the girls in this house? Really MTV, this is the best you could do? The average of the girls is like a 5 out of 10 (at best). You know they are beat when the guys can call girls up from the boardwalk that are better looking.

Great job on the roof deck of the house as well as the location. You all know you've been walking on the boardwalk somewhere and seen people on a roof deck and thought, "man thats cool" you know you have.

How funny is it that some of they guys were so pupmed leaving their house. Someone was like "yeah, Jersey Shore, I've never been there, I'm stoked" You will never hear me say " Coney Island, oh yeah, cant wait". Its not South Beach, its the Jersey Shore.

Funniest moment? Maybe when Snookie brings the dude back to the house and he pukes

Over/Under on incidents that involve fighting or at least shoving matches .......11.5

Who gets the most chicks and the most guys?

Who goes home before the show is over?

Why havent we seen Midway cheese steaks yet?

Where can you get a better cheese steak?

When have we ever seen a reality show where the people drive themselves?

Who releases a sex tape first?

How many more jokes will we now hear from people who live outside of NJ. But most of the cast is from NY.

Is "The Situation" one of the best nicknames you've heard?