Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Re-re-direct epidose 1

by Mike
Danny… I think you mean Vinny… But the fact that you got his name wrong does lead me to believe I am right in listing him near the bottom in terms of interesting cast members.
Here is my personal ranking/ rationale:
1. Paulie D.- A fight, a hookup, the penile piercing, the Cadillac tattoo, the fact that he is 29 and has the maturity of a 13 year old… This sky is the limit for him.
2. The Situation- He nicknamed his abs and then got a girl he never met to have that nicknamed printed on the ass of some booty shorts. Read that sentence again.
3. Jwow- You keep drinking that water and eating that ham… Ham.
4. Ronnie- Zero chance he doesn’t go “incredible hulk” on someone. Also I’d love to know what is in his signature cocktail “Ron Ron Juice.” Aside from Vodka fruit and ice, I am banking that it is a proprietary blend of X, GHB, Testosterone, and elephant tranquilizer.
5. Sammie- Best looking girl in the house. Sort of becomes a backhanded compliment right?
6. Snookie- The Princess of Poughkeepsie. She is dumpy and depressing but at least she brings something to the table.
7. Vinnie- Blah. The most nondescript guy of the show. Sweaty armpits during the fist pump and pink eye is all he has going for him. Not a strong start.
8. Angelina- Flop. The only character that takes something off the table. She sucks fun out of the room and I am hoping they give her less air time. (Unless that airtime is Situation calling her fat.)
Anyhow along with your obvious promotional efforts this show is getting an amazing amount of buzz. Besides the tired and self promotional controversy over how it portrays Italian-Americans (an argument I am not in the mood to tear apart at the moment) there is a freakish amount of conversation about the show. From mainstream media to social media to water cooler conversation, this show has caught lightening in a bottle. Seriously Google “snookie punch” and check out the results…
As for potential cross over opportunities, I hope and pray these people are moved into the RW/RW challenge circuit. In fact can we just arrange for Ronnie and CT to have a steel cage match. Who wouldn’t be interested?
In the meantime check out your new Jersey Short nickname at this early responder site…

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