Oh boy it is great being back with our friends at the Jersey Shore. I too agree the wait was long but at least it is over.
Jumping right in, I agree with you that it is nice to see these solid talented upstanding citizens cashing in on their hard earned fame. These kids are doing everything they can to capitalize on this opportunity. I thought their Leno performance was poor… but have you seen the Michael Cera/ Jersey Shore video?
I do have 1 prediction for the show based on their MTV. I may be reading into this too much but I thought it was interesting that through the entire MTV NYE show the kept Ronnie and Sammie separate from the rest of the cast. I’m saying there is some sort of major rift in the house where those two group have a major falling out. God could only bless us with a full on throw down where Ronnie goes on a roid rage and Jwoww starts throwing haymakers again
Anyhow Lets rap up the conversation on the Snookie Punch.
I kid you not I watched this footage again and again, looking for reactions from each cast member, and I have to tell you I agree with Ronnie. You can ask the wife, but its true, even before Ronnie brought up the fact that the Situation was right in the middle of it and did nothing I was on top of it. In fact I started thinking I had some great angle for the blog. Unfortunately Ronnie picked up on the same thing. You may be right and its possible that the Situation froze up but watch his reaction again and it looks like he simply wussed out. Like Chris and his old famous disappearing acts to the bathroom during any of the old FBBC fight, I’m a bit suspicious. Put it this way, the next time anyone from the cast gets into a fight, Im going to focus on the Situation’s reaction.
A final note on Snookie’s reaction. I think we all knew that she was going to milk the punch for all of the sympathy she could get, but the disabled line was too much. I love the look of fake fear that came across her face when she got the call that her attacker was let out of jail. Now I want to be clear (especiialy to my wife) that I am not making light of a woman being assaulted; but did Snookie really have something to fear from this guy? She lives in a house of meatheads surrounded by cameras. The odds of her getting full on punched by a complete stranger once had to be 1 in 10,000; what are the odds of this guy doing it again 1 in 1,000,000.
I’m going to move past the Ronnie / Sammie relationship. Its slow boring and to me the only uninteresting part of the show. Wake me up next week when Ronnie goes nuts and wrestles a guy on the boardwalk.
Pauly D. Simple owns this show. I might consider paying his appearance fee simply to have him hang out with the two of us at a dirty local bar. First off, I think he might be the smartest one in the house. I think a small part of him knows that he is playing up this stereotype and he doesn’t care. When his says this ridiculous guido stuff he cracks a smile that sort of say, “go ahead laugh it up, but I’m getting paid to act like this.”
Jwoww’s fight tells me 1 trhings about Jwoww- she is not messing around she really is this ghetto. Let me explain. Snookie and Paulie D. for as much as I find them amusing are somewhat contrived. Their attitude and guido gangster style is part of a show or a persona that they have put on. But deep down you know they grew up in upper middle class suburbs and have about as much legit street cred as I do. Even as I write this I am picturing how little street cred I have since I wore and argyle sweater and a tweed jacket to work yesterday. That said my lack of experience doesn’t mean I can’t comment, judge, and criticize.
Here is my point. Some folks in the cast are playing up the stereotype, I think Jwoww might be the real deal. I think when she wears what can only be considered underwear out to the club cuz she thinks it is appropriate. And more so I think when she personalizes said underwear to have sequins spelling out “Jwoww” across the crotch and “F%^k You” on the ass because she thinks it looks good.
So when a person like this gets a bit looped up, and amped up watch out. And this is exactly what happened. That poor girl who thought she was being cool harassing the MTV show, might have been able to pull that off with some other folks in the house. But Jwoww was having none of it. She through that drink like a girl who has been in a lot of fights before and she was throwing haymakers at that girl even with the bouncers dragging her off. There is one girl who had a tan shirt who started the whole argument. Go back and watch her reaction when Jwoww lets loose. She wanted none of it. I might pick Jwoww as the one of the most intriguing people MTV has ever featured.
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