Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Episode 1 Response

100% agree. The potential for this show is off the charts. Here is the thing, in most reality shows they cast for diversity expecting each character’s different background to create drama and plot-lines. In the case of the jersey shore they have chosen to cast one extreme stereotype, mix in a lot of alcohol, and let it run wild. There is no chance you will see character development or anything aside from hyper-reality; however you will see the most overblown exaggeration of jersey “guido-culture” imaginable.

My hat goes off to the producers.

On to the questions of the day:

1. I don’t know why they couldn’t find better looking girls. It is going to become a running issue in the house, that the guys will constantly be looking for ass outside of the house, since for the most part the girls of the cast are sub-par. Seriously take a look at the old njguido.com website. And while I’m not sure how many of these girls you want to take home to meet your mom, they certainly are better looking than what MTV was able to drag up.

2. The roof deck is clutch. That said I think it will lead to a minimum of 5 sexual encounters, 3 fights, and 1 police incident. Giving this cast what amounts to a stage is both awesome and dangerous at the same time.

3. I love that they are pumped for the Jersey shore. And here is why… For these cast members this is their ideal place. While you and I might have other things in mind when we picture our ideal beach vacation, for these folks they couldn’t possibly want more than what the Jersey shore has to offer- pizza and pasta, packed clubs with miller lite specials, and crows of people just like them. I love that their enthusiasm is authentic. They aren’t missing all of the other things that are out there in this world; I truly believe that given a choice this is their Shangri-la.

4. Poor Snookie, can’t even close with a drunk guy on the roof top deck. Nothing is going her way. I only wish he had vomited on her, just to see her reaction. I still think the funniest moment was the girl Angelina saying that selling T-shirts is beneath because she is a bartender and she does “great things.”

5. 11.5 fights… Please… I’ll take the over with room to spare. The amount of testosterone running through that house is off the charts. Ronnie alone looks like he might go CT on the entire town of Point Pleasant.

6. Most chicks is a tough call. Originally I would have gone Ronnie, but if he decides to stick with Sammie he might disappoint. I am gonna put my money on Paulie D. The sleazy 29 year old DJ definitely knows how to talk himself into bed with a lot of young girls. Most guys is easy Jwow, will double the total of all the other girls. I feel bad for her boyfriend already.

7. If has to make a prediction on getting kicked out I would say Ronnie goes home for assaulting a police office. Second vote is Pauley D. goes home because Megan’s Law stipulates that he can’t be that close to children in bathing suits.

8. Midway Cheese steaks should be the official sponsor of all things Shore related. I recall our friend having three shirts ruined by Midway cheese in the space of 36 hours. This also means that this same friend ate 3 Midway Cheese steaks in the space of 36 hours…

9. Jwow and Paulie D. are in a race for the first to put out a sex tape. Bonus points when it is collaborative effort.

10. The jersey jokes are coming in by the truck load. And as a Jersey native I have no problem with it. In fact I think the standard retort, “Only one person is from NJ,” rings pretty hollow. Don’t tell me that they couldn’t have found dozens of actual Jersey residents to fill out this cast. The Jersey guido stereotype is not bound by the state borders but it does have its roots in the jersey shore. I could make a reality show about people in the south focusing on racism and redneck, California could be exploited for gang violence, and we could highlight the anti-government militias of the north west. Every region has an extreme stereotype they might not be proud of; it just happens that for people from Jersey this fringe group makes great TV.

11. The situation is unreal. I could go on for hours about how awesome he is. His flip out over losing Sammy is amazing. I couldn’t have asked for a better reaction.

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